Here you will find a list of various FAU Switzerland projects.
Di Schwarzi Chatz
The newspaper of the grassroots union

The Schwarzi Chatz is the newspaper of the Free Workers' Union Switzerland.
The first issue was published on May 1, 2009, at that time still for the FAU Bern, which merged into the FAU Switzerland in 2021.
The Schwarzi Chatz is currently published irregularly.
The FAU Educational Center

Self-education has always been a part of the workers' movement and culture. Through our work, our members are constantly gaining knowledge. With Savida, we want to pass this knowledge on to our members and to everyone else.
The fund for direct self-help
More than once, workers have had to accept lousy deals because otherwise they could no longer afford the rent or food. The Precari Fund steps in and can bridge the gap with a loan. After all, the asshole companies usually only get by because they have the financial staying power. The precariousness fund is intended to compensate for this so that workers can fight for their rights.